Wakatobi The Amazing Celebes Paradise

Indonesia known as the state of nautical surrounded by many islands, indonesia also known to have a lot of heaven underwater beautiful in the world. One of the beauty wakatobi is located in district wakatobi, southeast sulawesi. The capital of the islands wakatobi this is Wangi wangi wakatobi have four large islands famous. Wangi wangi, kalidupa, binongko tomia and. Wakatobi name taken from an abbreviation of the island fourth. The name of wakatobi this is actually quite new because before the date of 18 december 2003, these islands called the smiths and still is part of buton district. In astronomically and that make the unique, wakatobi district is located south of the equator and as other regions in indonesia, because natural beauty that is still awake wakatobi set into the park nasionl in 1996, with a total area 1,39 million hectares, related to marine biodiversity and corals that occupies.

Wakatobi The Amazing Celebes Paradise

District wakatobi located in the south of the equator and as other regions in indonesia wakatobi having two seasons, namely the rainy season and dry season. A national park wakatobi established in 1996, with a total area 1,39 million hectares, related to biodiversity the sea and karang who occupies one of the position of a top priority of marine conservation in indonesia. Even because terkenalnya wakatobi until foreign a journalist foreign said � � � wakatobi snorkeling is the most beautiful place in the world. � � � -- jacques costeau ( a journalist submarine the world ).

Wakatobi The Amazing Celebes Paradise

The best time to visit a national park wakatobi is of the moon april to june and october to december every year with the moon. A national park is waters wakatobi islands natural beauty that are positively amazing. Beauty land and under lib will be satisfying the eye , refreshing your heart and mind and led the undersea life experience you about. Some of the activities it can work you do here begins of a dive, snorkel and swimming to see a cluster of beautiful reef and various sea of the biota.

Wakatobi The Amazing Celebes Paradise

Wakatobi The Amazing Celebes Paradise

sumber foto:
Barry Kusuma
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