Tana Toraja land of Heavenly King

If talking about said tana toraja, we will be remembered with tongkonan. Yes tongkonan or traditional house the tribe of tana toraja constitutes the essential part of the life of the toraja, tongkonan besides shelter was also used for all sorts of the community toraja ceremony. Whether it was the ceremony death or other ceremonies. In society toraja, a funeral ritual is the most important and different shapes and name the cost of expensive. The rich and powerful someone, the cost of the funeral ceremony will be more expensive . Aluk in religion, only families nobleman entitled hold parties large funeral. A funeral feast a nobleman usually attended by thousands of people and lasting for a few days.
Tana Toraja land of heavenly King
A place a funeral procession called rante usually prepared in a a vast prairie, in addition as a mourner who present, also as a place of a granary rice, and various devices other cemetery made by a bereaved family. Distilled music, singing, song and poetry, weeping and lamentation is an expression grief done by the toraja but all it does not apply for the burial of children, the poor and the of the lower classes.

Tana Toraja land of heavenly King

Is sometimes a funeral ceremony was held after weeks of new, for months, even years since a death that concerned, with a view to a bereaved family can gather enough money to cover funeral costs. The tribe toraja believe that death is not something that comes with a sudden but is a process that gradually toward puya (the spirit world, or the afterlife). In the waiting it, bodies wrapped in some strands of fabric and kept under tongkonan. Spirit of the dead is believed to remain in the village to a funeral ceremony finished, after that spirit will travel to puya.
Tana Toraja land of heavenly King
Other parts of a funeral is slaughter of a buffalo. Ruling someone getting more and more water buffaloes do slaughter.Slaughter was done using cleaver. To defile the buffalo, including his head in flats in the open field waiting for the owner, who is on a ' the asleep '.
There are three ways funeral: a coffin can be kept on in caves, or in a tomb stone etchings, or strung on the cliffs. The rich sometimes buried in the tomb of stone carved. The grave usually costly and time manufacturing around a few months. In some areas, caveman stone used to store the bodies of all members of a family. A statue of wood called tau-tau usually placed in a cave and facing outward. A coffin an infant or children is suspended by ropes in the side of a cliff. A rope are usually survive for a year before decay and make it ' s fall. 

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Barry Kusuma
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